I met the Aguaí tree: one of the native timber species of the missionary jungle
As a result of the collaboration between the Faculty of Forest Sciences of the UNAM and the United States Forest Service (USFS) through the ?Update and Edition of the Madera Madera Identification Manual of the Missionary Jungle?, they developed a species manual of species Missions natives (2024) to publicize its characteristics, uses and environmental services.
Within the framework of World Environmental Education Day, every January 26, from Argentinaforestal.com we will present in various publications to the different species of native trees of the missionary jungle with a technical data sheet obtained in the Wood Anatomy Laboratory , Dendrology and Dendrocronology (Lamdyd) of the Faculty of Forest Sciences, based in Eldorado, Misiones. We started, knowing the Aguí! Did you know that ...? The fruit of Aguaí is edible and has great value for local fauna. In addition, its wood is very sought after for fine carpentry projects due to its unique texture and coloration. Knowing the technical water tree: Aguaí (Chloroluma Gonocarpa) ? Natural distribution: Aguaí grows spontaneously in the provinces of Chaco, Corrientes, Entre Ríos, Formosa, Jujuy, Misiones, Salta, Santa Fe and Tucumán ? Botanical description: Up to 25 meters. Diameter: Reach 70 cm at chest height in its adult stage. with dichotomous branching. Slips: alternate, simple, 5.8 to 20.2 cm long and 1.3 to 7 cm wide. Oblongs or lanceolate, whole edge, dark green up and lighter below, of coriacea cartaceous consistency. Flores: greenish, small yellow (2.5 to 5 mm), grouped into glomeruli from 1 to 6.fruits: yellow berries When they mature, in an ellipsoid or globose way, they contain 1 to 5 edible seeds with crescent format. Maderacolor characteristics: Albura and Duramen Indistintes, with yellowish hue. Texture: fine and moderately heavy. Humidity, although it is permeable for impregnation treatments ? Anatomical characteristics Axial-sight: diffuse or aggregates. Width and 300-500 µm height Exudes a sticky white latex. Main timber uses carpentry: moldings, tool ends, small furniture. Combustible: Excellent for firewood and coal.
There are a number of phrases and actions that are invoked as a protection to repel all possibility of bad luck.
It is 5% of the total under fire. They add 4,814 hectares of native mountain areas. For the first time the impact on key environmental capital is accurately measured. In 2024, if new spotlights no longer occur, statistics will say that about 100 thousand hectares were burned due to forest and rural fires in the province of Córdoba. It is the second worst year of the last decade on affected surface.
This is shown by INTA research on its physical-mechanical properties. Although there is no unique clone that combines all desirable features, adequate selection and efficient forest management can ensure high quality wood for more demanding applications