Santiago del Estero, forest engineering professionals alert by erosion of the land aggravated by the action of strong winds and deforested areas
From the College of Graduates in Forest Sciences of Santiago del Estero, they warn about the serious problem of land erosion caused by the action of the wind in dismantled areas of the northeastern province, after the storm of dust registered last week and propose urgent measures for measures for advance in solutions regarding these climatic phenomena. Intensive deforestation left extensive land areas exposed, which has intensified wind erosion, reducing soil fertility and promoting desertification. These actions generated by the intensive production of agriculture and livestock in vast extensions without the proper precautionary measures such as curtains or patches of reserve forests required by the legislation Provincial Law No. 6,841 and National Law No. 26,331, are responsible of the impact on the ground.
The northeast of Santiago del Estero faced in the last week a serious environmental problem linked to the erosion of the soil, aggravated by the action of the wind in disassembled areas. The College of Graduates in Forest Sciences of the province warned of the devastating effects of this situation of this situation , which has been intensified by indiscriminate deforestation and the lack of precautionary measures. negative impacts between the main consequences of this problem are: soil erosion: the loss of the surface layer rich in nutrients affects agriculture and accelerates desertification. Problems of Health: Suspension dust impacts air quality, causing respiratory diseases, ocular irritations, stress in communities and even accidents. Economic disputes: the low productivity of agricultural crops and extreme environmental conditions increase production costs, affecting the economy Local.PROPES OF SOLUCIÓN BELL OF GRADUATES IN FREE SCIENCES has raised a series of measures such as environmental restoration with native species (Algarrobos, Quebrachos, among others.) And sustainable agricultural and livestock practices with curtain restoration and handling patch management of resilient forests. It is also recommended to regulate the disassembly, greater administrative and judicial measures for illegal clearings, promote environmental education to strengthen community resilience against this environmental challenge. In this sense the school is promoting through the project called ?Forest Restoration Plan Degraded from the province of Santiago del Estero ?, funded by Law 26,331, support for small producers to initiate active restoration tasks (reforestation) and passive. Between solutions, they must be prioritized: ? Environmental restoration: reforestation with native species such as species such as species such as Algarrobos and Quebrachos, and management of forestry forest curtains and patches
The answer may surprise. It is about achieving warmth, texture and lasting attraction. The options for the kitchen according to wood or tile floors. Choosing the right floor for the kitchen is essential not only for the appearance of space, but also for its practicality. While wood or tile floors are excellent options from the visual and functional, are there any prevailing over the other? What option is better? The wooden and tile floors for the kitchen offer two different styles in the same design, creating contrasting styles.
The third federal edition of the Design and Architecture Exhibition will be held on the site that housed the Argüello Academy. In 2023 he was springs of Grupo Edisur, in 2024 Pocito de Grupo Proaco and in 2025 it will be Village Academy, on Rafael Núñez and Recta Martinolli Avenue. We talk about the third federal edition of Casa Foa, the most important architecture and design sample in the country, which next year returns to our city. The scheduled date for its realization is the month of April, according to the local leaders of the event.
A study suggests that planting trees does not reduce temperature in a direct or linear proportion: when applied to larger areas, the refreshing effect grows, but does so at an increasingly lower pace. It is known about the crucial role that trees have to combat heat, especially in urban areas. But, if you want to lower the temperature in a city in 1, 2 or 3 ° C, how many trees do you have to plant?