The College of Architects inaugurated an exhibition module and a sample in the house on the stream

The College of Architects inaugurated an exhibition module and a sample in the house on the stream

The initiative proposes a historical tour of the city from an architectural view. The Board of Directors of the College of Architects of the Province of Buenos Aires (District 9) inaugurated at the Casa Museum on the stream the exhibition module and the exhibition ?Historical route of the city from an architectural view?.

This interpretation center is the result of the Provincial Contest of Ideas and Draft, two laps, for the creation of an urban device in order to commemorate the sesquicentennial of the Mar del Plata Foundation, which was organized and promoted by this institution. Its establishment, as an iconic reference in the city, allows to rethink the architecture linked to the new and diverse ways of using public space. In addition, it provides an opinion that collaborates in ?rever? those spaces that we design, produce and inhabit daily. The versatility of the same, which allows it to implant in different locations without losing its meaning, and the collaboration agreement signed between Capba 9 and the Municipal Tourism and Culture Entity (EmTuryc) made possible the materialization of this center. Not only welcomes and provides information to visitors, but also interprets the patrimonial good they are going to travel. The winning team had Andrés Tapia Ávalos, Pablo Fidel Rescia, Alfonso Trueba, María José Díaz Varela and Julián Verón. Rescia stressed that it is not usually given that the winners have the possibility of building it and explained what was carried out in the path of their concretion of the College of Architects thanked the following companies that collaborated in the materialization: Gersini carpentry; Jeske sawmill; Drap Pinturerías; Cetol; Rothoblass and Vivero Antoniucci. the director of Culture, Francisco Taverna; the Emuryc Coordinator Horacio Darío Ocampo; Councilors Eva Ayala and Miguel Guglielmotti; the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, Urbanism and Design Francisco Olivo; the president of the Amigos Casa Association on the Arroyo, Ana Biasone; the Secretary of Capba Contests Eduardo Agüero; the former rector of the UNMDP Daniel Medina; and the patrimonial referents architects Graciela Di Iorio, Pablo Mastropasqua and Hector de Schant, among others. You can visit the house on the complete stream. Access to the Museum Park, located in Funes and Quintana, is from Monday to Friday from 8.15 to 14.30. There are a lot to thank, many people and companies that supported us for their realization. We will always accompany this house because for architects it is as if it were our fetish. We are amazed to see her now as she is and we celebrate that the municipality has promoted this opening pointed out, on the other hand, Domingorena. And added: The goal is to celebrate from school the 150 years of the city, with a clear intention to put white on black The identity we have as Marplatenses and we thought that logic was to make a timeline where, through the architecture works, a conclusion of what our identity could be reached. Domingoren wanted the module to serve to recognize the identity local and conserve social, cultural, architectural, environmental and landscape heritage. When we talk about what we think about the city we always say and clarify that it is a constructive vision. We try to contribute from our place to have a city that contains everyone, that is democratic, participatory, accessible, sustainable and sustainable, pointed out the contest advice was in charge of the Arch Arch. Analía Díaz. The jury was made up of Architect David Ray, on behalf of the Argentine Federation of Architects; Architect María Noé Gómez, by the municipality of General Pueyrredon; Architect Rubén Zoppi, by district IX of the College of Architects of the Province of Buenos Aires; Architect Alejandro Broracchía, invited as a wooden technology specialist; and Arch. Rocío Solla, who was chosen by the participants as their representative.

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Card image cap Santiago del Estero, forest engineering professionals alert by erosion of the land aggravated by the action of strong winds and deforested areas

From the College of Graduates in Forest Sciences of Santiago del Estero, they warn about the serious problem of land erosion caused by the action of the wind in dismantled areas of the northeastern province, after the storm of dust registered last week and propose urgent measures for measures for advance in solutions regarding these climatic phenomena. Intensive deforestation left extensive land areas exposed, which has intensified wind erosion, reducing soil fertility and promoting desertification. These actions generated by the intensive production of agriculture and livestock in vast extensions without the proper precautionary measures such as curtains or patches of reserve forests required by the legislation Provincial Law No. 6,841 and National Law No. 26,331, are responsible of the impact on the ground.

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