Rural women | Santa Fe will host the 1st International Forum for Gender and Rurality and the 3rd edition of the LIA Encalada Awards
Next Saturday, October 26, rural women from all over the country will meet within the frame The field and promoting rural development. It is organized by the Civil Association Women of Argentine Rurality.
Santa Fe (10/21/2024) .- The city of Santa Fe will house a historical event: the 1st International Forum of Gender and Rurality, which forum will be a space for visibility and dialogue where gender inequalities will be addressed rural and experiences that strengthen their networks in regional organizations will be exposed. The need for inclusive public policies that promote their well -being and leadership will also be underlined. Among the outstanding panelists, there is María Noel Vaeza, regional director of UN women for Latin America and The Caribbean, who will provide a message on gender equity. Mariana Stegagnini, a gender specialist, will offer a key dissertation. In addition, there will be a panel of organized women that will feature Andrea Sarnari of the Argentine Agrarian Federation, Paulina Carrasco of the Association of Milk Producers of Chile, and Simone Silotti of the NGO Do an incredible good of Brazil . There will also be the presence of public policies referents linked to production, gender and rurality in Argentina. The LIA Encalada Awards: a recognition of the rural effort during the event, the LIA Encalada Awards will be awarded, who pay tribute to highlighted women in 17 Rural activity categories. This recognition, organized by the Civil Association Women of Argentine Rurality, seeks to give visibility to the work and effort of rural women. The prize is named after Lía Encalada, the first agronomist in Argentina.
The rules for the transport of forest products and native trees by -products were modified by the government of Mato Grosso in early 2025. Decree No. 1.288/2025, published on the 16th, modifies Decree No. 937/2024 and regulates the issuance and issuance and Use of forest guide (GF) in the movement of wood loads and their derivatives. The forest guides for the planting of exotic species are still not applied. According to the state government, the changes aim to improve inspection, traceability and legal certainty in the forestry sector, in line with environmental and commercial requirements.
As a result of the collaboration between the Faculty of Forest Sciences of the UNAM and the United States Forest Service (USFS) through the ?Update and Edition of the Madera Madera Identification Manual of the Missionary Jungle?, they developed a species manual of species Missions natives (2024) to publicize its characteristics, uses and environmental services.
With the patience of a farmer, the passion of an artist and the virtuosity of an goldsmith, the cabinetmaker Xavier more makes a trip that goes from the tree to the final piece, a unique village of solid wood.