Approval of the National Plan for the Management of Forests with Integrated Livestock MBGI
The Ministries of Economy and Environment approved this initiative
Through a joint Resolution, the Ministry of Economy and Environment approved this initiative that aims to promote the sustainable management of native forests. The Ministries of Economy and Environment approved through a joint Resolution the National Plan for the Management of Forests with Integrated Livestock with the objective of promoting the sustainable management of native forests allowing sustainability in livestock activity. Through the Joint Resolution 3/2023, published in the Official Gazette and its annex, established the objectives and scope of the measure. The main objectives are: Promote the conservation of native forests through comprehensive forestry and livestock exploitation and sustainable management of native forests.
NF 593 Forest News Bulletin INTA Concordia
White or wrapped painted of tree trunks is a common practice that goes beyond aesthetics. In various places, streets and even rural areas, this technique that has specific purposes for their protection, especially those youngest or vulnerable can be observed.
Acacia wood is valued by its durability, natural beauty, easy maintenance and sustainability, which makes it an ideal choice for furniture and decoration, both interior and exterior.
Wood is a material that has transcended decades of design and has earned the hearts of all styles. Inspir yourself to apply it in the decoration of your bedroom and prepare an ideal refuge for rest