ExpoVivienda Foresto Industry 2023
Entre Ríos will host the Wood, Housing and Industrial Forest Industry Exhibition
The Exhibition of Wood, Housing and the Industrial Forest Industry will be held on Friday, July 7 and Saturday, July 8 at the Concordia Convention Center and will include in its program the forest-industrial exhibition, a seminar on topics in the housing sector with wood, machinery and a meeting of the Industrial Forest Board
Expo Vivienda Foresto Industria 2023 Exhibition of Housing, Architecture, Design, Furniture, Equipment and Technology of the Wood Industry with a Seminar and Training Sessions to be held in the City of Concordia Entre Ríos, Argentina, on July 7 and 8, 2023, from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. at the Concordia Convention Center and has the collaboration of the National Secretary of Agriculture, Livestock and Fisheries, is organized by the government of Entre Ríos, with the coordination of the Secretary of Industry and Commerce , the Municipality of Concordia and has the support of the Federal Investment Council.
This event, at the regional level, will become a strategic point of the industrial forestry sector, concentrating supply, demand and specific needs and the presence of various types of Construction Systems for Housing with Wood, Wood Frame, renewable energies, integrating the various materials of traditional construction plus the Technology, Machinery, Equipment and Services of the Industrial Forestry Industry
The following points to be developed in the seminar and parallel days are highlighted
A) Promote Housing with Wood and Wood in Architecture
B) Wood technology, equipment and services.
C) Promote Furniture, Design, Innovation and Technology.
D) Environmental Protection, Sustainability, Bioenergy Low Energy Consumption
E) Promote the Industrial Forestry Sector Inputs, Innovation and Technologies
F) Training Sessions Knowledge Promotion
For more technical information, go to the following link : https://expoarquitectura.com.ar/expo/expovivienda-madera/ o via email to expoarquitectura2020@gmail.com
The violent fires that ravaged southern Tasmania in 2019 knocked down what was the highest flower tree in the world. Scientists now fight to preserve these centenary giants.
According to a study, some trees have the unique ability to absorb soil minerals, including gold, which concentrate on their leaves and roots. There are trees with the surprising ability to extract soil minerals in a unique way. When feeding on the elements present in the field, some species can concentrate precious metals, such as gold, on their leaves and roots.
Discover how to use wood chips in your garden. Learn your benefits, precautions and creative uses to improve your green space. Wood chips broke into the world of gardening as a practical and sustainable solution for soil care and plants. This organic material, which often goes unnoticed as a simple by -product, can transform the health and appearance of a garden.