Taller de Protección y Embellecimiento de la Madera
El 7 y el 8 de junio a las 15 horas se dictará el Taller de Protección y Embellecimiento de la Madera en Espacio Cetol - INTI Madera Y Muebles.
Six bedrooms where wood is the main protagonist
Wood is a material that has transcended decades of design and has earned the hearts of all styles. Inspir yourself to apply it in the decoration of your bedroom and prepare an ideal refuge for rest
More than 20 % of land plant species are found only on islands, and the time is over to save them
A new study maps the species that exist in the world and warn about the risk that inhabit those that inhabit exclusively in island territories.
Why are the trunks of some trees white
White or wrapped painted of tree trunks is a common practice that goes beyond aesthetics. In various places, streets and even rural areas, this technique that has specific purposes for their protection, especially those youngest or vulnerable can be observed.