International Wood Industry Directory

Equipments, Hardware, machinery, Materials, Tooling and Woods

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At the beginning of the last century in Italy, in a small town called Flecchia, Mr. Florindo Corte, founder and creator of our company, was born. During his youth he moved to Argentina and began working in a carpentry shop. After a few years of much sacrifice and endowed with a great vision, he undertook his own project and became a manufacturer of band saws. In 1938, he associated with Mr. Gustav Presto of Swedish origin, and together they founded PRECOR. Precor was a pioneer in using Swedish steel in Argentina for the manufacture of band saws. This decision together with an adequate production process gave Precor the prestige that it still maintains today throughout the Argentine territory. Always betting on high quality, customer service and honesty, Precor is a market leader, at the forefront of innovation and self-improvement. Today, the ISO 9001 Quality and 14001 Environmental certificates obtained confirm that our products maintain the highest standards throughout the production process. In this way we continue with the tradition of our founders, providing for more than 75 years always the best service and quality.
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Machines for carpentry, circular saws, nailers, staplers. Service of sharpening and repair of cutting tools.
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At Biassoni we currently design and manufacture more than 1,300 hand tools for the construction, agricultural, fruit and vegetable and mechanical industries. We have a team of 130 people distributed in 3 industrial plants, with a total covered area of 7,800 m². Our 75 years of uninterrupted work positions us as a benchmark for the national industry, permanently betting on innovation with a strong commitment to quality, and with a strong presence throughout the country and in South America.
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Stark Spa has innovated two tool lines, presented at the latest Milan show. One was the cutter head with interchangeable HM and HSS double edged knives, for high precision flat planing, PLANEX, and the Xtreme anvil blades, applied to our cutter heads with 2 mm HM profiled knives. The STARK TOOLS GROUP, through its Brazilian and Argentine subsidiaries, continues to expand the market of finger joint cutter heads with chromium nitride-coated inserts, which allows for edges’ longer life. The Hydro cutter head line, with up to 16 knives for flat planing and 8 knives for grooved back, of high precision, quality and long life, has a greater penetration in the South American market. The same happens with the HM circular saw range (Germany). Our presence worldwide qualifies us as STARK CUTTING EXPERT, proving solutions to the industry.
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We develop ourselves in the area of Consulting and representations, applied to the Forest Industry and its value chain, sawmill, furniture and housing, as well as to projects for the use of Forest BIOMASS (Raw, Chip, Pellets, etc.). Wood and its by-products derived from the first and second transformation industry, applied to the generation of heat energy and in co-generation projects: Steam and electricity, directly or through intermediate processes such as the generation of poor gases and Diesel , which will then be used as an energy substrate in different processes or as fuels.
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SAW BLADES - Husqvarna